Group of European Organizations Receive In-Depth Market Research and Training on How to Enter US Railroad Industry

Type of Client Cluster of European Organizations in Railroad Industry Geography US, Europe Challenge Seven European Clusters of railroad organizations throughout the continent requested a market study on the railway industry in 3 different countries: the United States, Canada, and Norway. EMW leveraged our relationships with…


EMW Company Update Jun 2022

E.M. Wasylik Associates Return to Pre-Pandemic Travel Schedule! International trade shows are returning to in-person formats, travel restrictions are easing, countries are re-opening their borders, and international travel is slowly returning to normal. E.M. Wasylik Associates are back to traveling the globe to exhibit at trade…


EMW Company Update Dec 2021

Happy Holidays from E.M. Wasylik Associates! The EMW Team would like to extend our best holiday wishes to our clients, colleagues, partners and all our friends worldwide! We hope that you can enjoy the holiday season with family and friends. 2021 has been another challenging year…


International Business Travel Tips During COVID-19

After a long pause in international travel, EMW resumed international travel on behalf of their clients this summer. Getting much-needed face-to-face time with international contacts helped many clients continue to engage with international prospects, distributors, and partners, and was paramount to fostering and developing relationships. EMW’s…


EMW Company Update Sep 2021

After a long summer of post-pandemic optimism, followed by a recent outbreak of  COVID variants, EMW continues to support clients navigate the ambiguity of international business. EMW is traveling internationally on behalf of clients again, and is doubling down on their efforts to support development in…


E.M. Wasylik Expands Partnership Into All Asia Markets

Madison, WI – September 2, 2021 – E.M. Wasylik Associates (EMW), established in 1998, has expanded its reach by announcing the collaborative partnership with Asian Insiders, an organization of experienced business professionals located throughout Asia.  “EMW is pleased to join forces with Asian Insiders to offer…